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Old M* Portfolio Through 2024

Old M* Portfolio Through 2024

Great news!

I have been informed by M* that the old M* Portfolio will be supported through 2024.

M* Updates


  • edited January 2024
    I've always wondered if they got at least some of their investor-behavior data from the portfolios. At the very least, it may be one of the few things left driving "average investors" to land on their homepage.

    Thank you for the news.
  • great news

    Thanks for discovering this
  • The data they collect from those portfolios would be valuable, no?
  • Nice to know, although I primarily use M* portfolio now as a watch list for intraday market movements. I haven’t updated my portfolios for our various accounts in ages because they are much easier to track and compare on the Fidelity website.
  • edited January 2024
    @Tarwheel, when the old M* Portfolio goes away, so will the old M* Watchlist that is within the M* Portfolio. So, both will be available through 2024.

    You can transfer both the Portfolio and Watchlist into the new M* Investors that isn't ready for primetime.
  • edited January 2024

    @Tarwheel, when the old M* Portfolio goes away, so will the old M* Watchlist that is within the M* Portfolio. So, both will be available through 2024.

    You can transfer both the Portfolio and Watchlist into the new M* Investors that isn't ready for primetime.

    You can say THAT again. And about the old M* Portfolio: I finally took the time to email "Joe" (LOL) there, to advise "him" that 4 stocks in particular have not been YTD-performance updated in many MONTHS. We'll see what happens. (On Portfolio X-Ray.)

  • @yogibearbull

    Are you sure you can transfer watch lists to ne Investor? All of my portfolios are there but none of watch lists
  • edited January 2024
    My M* Watchlists were also Exported. It was a while back, so I don't remember exact steps (Edit - Actually, the transport from old M* Portfolio to new M* Investor was automatic after login).

    Edit/Add. I checked M* Investor after a long while.

    So, basically, things updated in old M* Portfolio are automatically reflected in new M* Investor; I am not sure about the reverse*. This is a big help for those who are already familiar with old M* Portfolio Editing/Updating.

    *Edit/Add2. The buy/sell/delete are automatically updated both ways. But dividends can only be auto-refreshed in the old M* Portfolio, and are then automatically reflected in the new M* Investor. There is no way to auto-update dividends directly in the new M* Investor - those can be entered manually, or it can get those from the linked-account, and it treats old M* Portfolio as linked-account. This is a big help for those who are already familiar with old M* Portfolio Editing/Updating.

    Performance tabs for portfolios look almost the same as "My Performance" pages in the old M* Portfolio. So, the information is provided on Total Returns, Personal Returns (i.e., including any personal transactions), and index returns annually for up to 10 years, and then monthly for last 12 months (the Menu tab says Trailing 12 Months, but it means PAST 12 Months). This is followed by similar information for each holding (it seems to be open always; the old M* Portfolio had a click to Hide/Show these holding details).

    But missing are the total return data for 1-week, 1-month, 3-monts, YTD, 1-year, 3-years, 10-years, Since Purchase, and Custom Dates; these data are in the bottom half of "My Performance" page in the old M* Portfolio, and could possibly be added later.

    The old M* Portfolio was/is a unique product and I doubt that the new M* Investor will ever approximate/emulate it fully. The new M* Investors started out as a tool for linked-brokerage-accounts, with some M* analytics slapped on, and M* has made lots of improvements in its features after vigorous complaints.

    Anyway, things are much improved and the old M* Portfolio users can hang on to the new M* Investor rather than looking for alternatives. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I am also using Stock Rover (SR), so I have 2 different portfolio systems going for now.
  • It is peculiar that your watch lists were imported but mine were not

    The new Investor seems to have a lot less comparison data

    I emailed M* support ( Again)
  • edited January 2024
    @sma3, in the M* Investor Menu, are you checking the separate tabs for Portfolios (icon is a folder) and Watchlists (icon is an eye)? Clicks on the bar-stack on the top Hide/Show details. Both the Portfolio and Watchlists used to be in the same menu in the old M* Portfolio and long time ago, my first reaction too was where did the Watchlists go? But they were all there in the separate Watchlists.

    Or, your system (hardware/software) may have another issue.
  • @yogibearbull

    M* responded in a rather convoluted way by sending me a screenshot. Only by a couple of tries that didnt work, did I find the "eyeball"

    The watch list "import" creates does not include position size or average cost the way the legacy one does.

    To see that I have to flip my current "watch list " into a "portfolio" which does then miraculously appear on the new Investor. The web page is quirky

    You can not move the screen with a slider bar. It is difficult to set up the columns as it does not list all the parameters, etc.

    Let us hope they improve it.

    Do you find Stock Rover helpful?
  • @sma3, Stock Rover Premium (SR) has a steep learning curve. Distributions have to be updated manually (no auto-refresh click of M* Portfolio). That is why I am running BOTH M* Portfolio/ M* Investor & Stock Rover for now.
  • I'm using thre FREE version of Stock Rover, and find it very handy. Lots of data instantly visible, unlike M*. The PAID version offers even more specifics.
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