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TD Ameritrade's websites are no longer operational ?

Guys...It seems to me,

All of TD Ameritrade's websites are shutting down.
or when clicked ...It's linked/forwarded to Schwab Now?
I tried a few unique and even accounts login has stopped working.?

Is anyone else here seeing this?
Think or Swim users?



  • As users were converted over, the TDA links seemed to be disabled. Have all the accounts been reassigned now, perhaps?
  • Do you have a Schwab account? Is so, you will find your TDA account there. My TDA account transferred fairly seamlessly. You should have received information and warning in the mail. Just give Schwab a call.
  • MikeM picked up on a possibility I overlooked; that you might not have any idea that TDA accounts were moved over to Schwab. As he noted, a call to them will facilitate your conversion (account numbers, login, etc). Be aware that if you're coming from TOS, Schwab should grandfather in the TOS trading fee structure for $15 trades.
  • Yes. All my accounts were moved in Sept and Now I don't have any TDA accounts...However, some TDA website,which did not require LogIn...I can not access it...It just redirected to Schwab.
    ...Namely finding Any equivalent Mutual Funds to ETF or a Similar Fund NTF or Load type...under the research tab.

    Even clearing Web History did not help...
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