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TRP trying to buy shares

edited May 2023 in Other Investing
You've all surely seen it, when you want to make a trade: "Day Trade" or "Good Till Canceled."
I wanted the latter. But the lovely and gorgeous ordering tool on the website would not let me. Something's wrong. Need to talk to them. I stayed up super-late, just to catch them on the phone early, back East.

The agent and I walked through the steps. "Hmmmm, I don't know why it's doing that. I'll put you on hold and talk to an expert and be right back."

Oh, the reason is that if you want G.T. C. you must choose to buy SHARES, you cannot use the dollar-amount option.
"That contradicts my previous experience, but that won't solve anything or make anyone at your end ACCOUNTABLE for informing shareholders about the change you've made. WILL it?????

I tried again, and went through the steps----- after hanging up with him. By trial and error, I was finally able to make my two trades--- despite encountering yet another issue: the marvelous trading tool does not like partial shares, either. (ETF.) Anyhow, before I let him go, I let him know that we shouldn't need to be GUESSING at what the blasted, stoopid stinking MACHINE wants. "I've got a quality suggestion for SOMEONE at your end: PUT SOMETHING ON THE WEBPAGE THAT TELLS ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHAT THE MACHINE WILL AND WILL NOT ALLOW US TO DO." The whole process was like hunting for snipes in the dark with no flashlight and no weapon. Cripes.



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