Happened to be watching CNBC while working out at a gym between 3:00 and 3:45. S&P was in a tight trading range during that time - running just +0.8% - 1% higher for the day. But the close had it up
1.46% at 4076.6. Yikes - some fireworks the last 15-20 minutes one might guess. Looks like most everything did well. Crude and most metals saw slight gains - but equities were the place to be. One European consumers staples stock I own bounced 2%. Don’t know if that was typical of most of the continent. As
@Sven noted elsewhere, the defensive consumers staples types have been back-sliding recently while the NASDAQ and riskier parts of the market have revved-up.
Other numbers: DOW +1.09%
NASDAQ +1.67%
FOMC meeting / statement tomorrow. I don’t think today’s sort of market action makes them very happy.
Inflation improved
Uncle Powell likely 0.25% tomorrow and a other 0.25%?next few months
Hard to say what will happen
Market ran harshed/ melt up anticipated futures events past 3 4 wks
Everyone of friends and their mamas/papa's cousins were shorting the past 2 3 wks and got burnt very badly... ***when the tide recedes we will know whom are swimming naked short***
Not sure who is right, mburry short master say sale, Jim Cramer say we are in bull market...
“Party hearty …”
Enjoying the ride, Derf
Extremely lucky
Did not buy sale much
Mostly holds