I would be interested in comments on the new manager change and current portfolio constitution vs previous historical metrics.
Please correct me if I am wrong this was a quick analysis......notable changes: bond Credit Quality of AAA now 26% vs old 21. Effective Duration now 6.61 vs 8.03 old. Value now 38% vs 55-70% old. Blend now 58% vs 21% old. Standard deviation seems to have increased maybe simply due to market increased volatility. TO rate now 58% vs 53 old.
I guess the Value equity % change is the most notable change. Comments?
But I have shifted quite a bit into VG multi-asset VPGDX (similar to Fido FMSDX; allocation comparable to VWELX/ VWENX) that may have a better rebound potential.
LewisBranham is spot on. It is common that value managers buy growth stock when valuation becomes attractive (and potentially providing better earning in the future). So timing is crucial for getting at a good price. Case in point, VWELX picked up several FAANG stocks too early this year and it did the opposite.
On the bond allocation, VWINX’s duration was a bit longer than the intermediate term bonds, 5-6 years. This was pointed out by another MFO poster. It is tough to have more long duration bonds in the mx in order to provide decent yield to investors, but also affect the bonds more with the aggressive rate hikes. The recent reduction on its duration is to improve the bond risk going into 2023.
If they are really bumping up their exposure to Growth, I wonder if they are ready for the increased volatility that may result if interest rates don't come down. It would seem that the bonds and higher growth names will both dive if interest rates bump up
This is a fund you don't hear about anymore....once much loved....now, a backwater and forgotten fund. As far as any changes to the fund, they seem to reflect the change in time or market since Covid, so they worry me not. I have it on a short buy list. Will wait 'till February to make a buy. As for being on Fido, that means my Buys are larger than with other funds. Would love to see a list of those that own the fund.
God bless
the Pudd
I tend to use this fund as a bond fund since I have none right now.
Thanks for the correction. The PE of VWINX is still pretty close to SP500 at 13.5 but M* has in in Large Value. Probably correct but not deep value