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what's weirder: MJIN is liquidating or MJ is not?

The safest bet in the investing universe is investing in ETFMG 2X Daily Inverse Alternative Harvest ETF (MJIN), up 37% YTD. It is supposed to return twice the inverse of the ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (MJ, as in "Mary Jane"). MJ is in the midst of its fifth consecutive year of double-digit losses, and still has $380 million in AUM.

MJIN is up 80% since its 2021 launch, but has under $1 million in AUM. So, it's dead. MJ is down 67% since its launch seven years ago, and yet zombies on.



  • I understand MJ might have that effect on some people. Guess that it might apply to investing as well.
  • Now that you mention it I recall taking a flyer in MJ a couple of years ago. Went in, kept it a month or so, did real good, got out. Haven't given it a thought since then.
  • I made a little money on MSOS but sold it months ago. Good thing. Even with recent pop with Biden announcement it is still underwater
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