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The Musk clownshow.



  • edited October 2022
    On the lighter notes
    Musk say tsla most valued stocks going forward maybe 4X- 5X 10 yrs??

    I need to smoke what he is smoking

  • Apologies but I beleive the original poster meant to type the Biden Clownshow, no?


    I have zero love for the Repugnant (sic) Party, and only a grain of sand's worth for the Demublicans. (sic.) But the Biden Administration is at least seriously doing the day in and day out work of governing, unlike the clown-show of the previous administration. Agree or disagree on the policies.

  • I thought we were not going to talk politics here, unless it directly related to investing or the economy.
  • Elon Musk plans to cut 75% of Twitter staff if he takes over company. Is it good for Twitter stock, users, and their investors? And that is a clown show.

  • Good point @sma3, thank you for the reminder!
  • @sma3. @Baseball_Fan. Musk is a business person. Baseball Fan asked the Biden question.
  • @crash

    The further Musk strays into opinions about Ukraine and China, the less he is "A business person"

  • edited October 2022
    It does seem odd to me that someone who has openly declared he is “on the spectrum” will be in charge of a social media platform that is for socializing and connecting with other people. There are a number of brilliant engineers, mathematicians and scientists who have this disorder but it is evident they aren’t always skilled at communicating with or managing other people. This kind of scenario that is playing out at Twitter and already Tesla seems to me evidence of a failure to appropriately delegate authority to a more skilled communicator. But people like Musk—Zuckerberg also comes to mind—are so powerful and smart in their particular niche no one wants to challenge them at the companies they run, even if it would be to the benefit of the companies and society in general. They also delusion-ally think because they’re good at one thing, they’re good at everything. In a less megalomaniac run world, folks like Musk and Zuckerberg would be Chief Technology Officers in the private sector while more skilled communicators and managers run their companies. Or, they would be awkward scientists/engineers at universities, again doing important research, but letting someone else do the interactions with human beings who have more feelings than they do. In fact, I think universities are much better at handling brilliant but difficult people than the private sector in general.
  • good points, LB. Yes.
  • Well put.
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