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Passive Investing: What Wall Street Prefers You Not Know


  • edited March 2013
    Really good!

    UK perspective, where I learned they have higher ERs and are just now starting to discover passive options.

    Admittedly, the film was sponsored by a passive investment company.

    Well done, nonetheless. Includes perspectives from Anthony Neuberger, William Sharpe, John Bolgle, Ken French, Charley Ellis, Burton Malkiel, Eugene Fama, and several others.
  • MJG
    edited March 2013
    Hi Ted,

    Thank you so much for reposting a reference to the recent British investment video.

    It is excellent in terms of its message, its impressive financial cast of contributors, and its overarching clarity. Its only potential shortcoming is that it was funded by a British money management firm so a conflict of interest may exist. Incentives always matter.

    I linked to this same video in a short piece that I submitted in mid-February. I was replying to an earlier Link that you provided with regard to some comments by Morningstar’s Don Phillips.

    My reference goes directly to the video. For completeness, here is the internal Link to my February post:

    As I mentioned in that post, the video is of superior quality and is a great one-hour introduction into the fund industry for neophyte investors; us senior citizens might also learn a thing or two. On second thought, we veterans are so smart and so well informed that the likelihood of learning anything actionable approaches zero (this is an attempt at a little humor).

    Once again, thanks for highlighting this fine film. A review is always rewarding since time works to alter viewpoints.

    Best Wishes.
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