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Lower-rated and illiquid nonagency MBS in IOFIX can bite again, and again. The fund firm also had to settle with the SEC on mispricing of odd-lot bonds and market manipulation related to thinly traded small bond issues. When a bond fund is forced to sell massively (see the chart below), it tries to sell its most liquid and better quality bonds first, and then what remain is a portfolio of declining quality with increasing risks. The leverage also goes up. While IOFIX may recover again, it isn't a fund for the faint-hearted.

Dramatic outflows (image link),



  • edited July 2024
    Below is an update to ybb's chart ... IOFIX has not recovered, and outflows continue.

    I also see that Tim Miner has departed Garrison Point. I was a big fan. Garret Smith, Brian Loo, and Jonathan Tran remain.

    Just 2 years ago, IOFIX enjoyed more the $4B in AUM. Now, under $250M.

    Painful to witness.

    IOFIX Flows and Return Data Last 3 Years


    IOFIX Flows and Return Data Since Inception (Absolute Scale)


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