Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
Great flavors, funny names. Fabulous ice cream. I could never let myself splurge like that. Montpelier is a pretty town. We toured the Capitol. It was noted that Admiral Dewey's home is right across the street.
Right about Montpelier; the state capital with the fewest number of inhabitants, a sweet town. That splurge was many years ago, when I had a metabolism like a volcano.
Travelled to Montpelier on an academic related college trip with a bunch of other 17-18 year olds in the early 70s late 60s. Stayed at a hotel there. Took rail part way out. Remember changing trains in Montreal. Yes lovely area. Winding mountain roads will scare *#*# out of you. But had a marvelous time.
@Crash - This is only borderline OT. Suggest it remain here. But anyone who clicks on a thread titled “Ben & Jerry’s” deserves whatever they get I do own some NSRGY. More of a recession hedge. Don’t know, but they probably compete with Ben & Jerry’s in some areas …
early 70slate 60s. Stayed at a hotel there. Took rail part way out. Remember changing trains in Montreal. Yes lovely area. Winding mountain roads will scare *#*# out of you. But had a marvelous time.@Crash - This is only borderline OT. Suggest it remain here. But anyone who clicks on a thread titled “Ben & Jerry’s” deserves whatever they get