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AAII Sentiment Survey, 4/6/22

AAII Sentiment Survey, 4/6/22

For the week ending on 4/6/22, the overall Survey turned negative: Bearish became the top sentiment (41.4%; high) & bullish became the bottom sentiment (24.7%; low); neutral became the middle sentiment (33.9%; above average). For the Survey week, stocks & bonds were down; oil was down on SPR releases & slowdown from Covid spreading in China. The aggressive Fed talk on rate hikes (next, 50 bps?) & balance sheet reductions (starting at -$95 billion/month soon? from FOMC Minutes) continued & that have had affect on the markets (more on bonds than stocks so far). There is no end in sight for the Russia-Ukraine war (6+ weeks). Geopolitical uncertainties are also rising in Europe, Middle East, Asia.


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