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The Shallowest Generation

This article was written by James Quinn on October 31, 2008. I'm pretty sure that things haven't improved much, if any, since then.

James Quinn is a senior director of strategic planning at The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. James has held the positions of treasurer, controller, and head of strategic planning at with retailers, homebuilders and the university in his 22-year career. He earned a BS in accounting from Drexel University and an MBA from Villanova University.



  • edited February 2022
    Linguistically colorful.
  • A little extreme perhaps, but not totally without merit.
  • edited February 2022
    "....Mr. Cheney’s advice about deficits not mattering was about as good as his belief that you can fire a shotgun in any direction without implications..."

    "...Beginning in 1982, Baby Boomers chose to take the easy road. Saving, investing and living within your means were cast aside as “Old School”. Boomers were handed a better future through the blood, sweat and tears of the “Greatest Generation”. Through their hubris, they’ve squandered that better future, the future of their children and imperiled our entire capitalist system. Between 1989 and 2007, credit-card debt soared from $238 billion to $937 billion, a 300% increase. ..."
    "...The Advertising industry spends $275 billion per year to convince you to spend money you don’t have for things you don’t need. This generation lacks self control, morals, a work ethic, and savings ethic..."

    Hell, I could have written this. I've never fit in and always been out of step. Never bought in to such consumerism. He's preaching to the choir. But it is quite accurate! Although I hate to be agreeing with Ron Paul. (Quoted at the end.)
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