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FOMC formally adopts comprehensive new rules for investment and trading activity

edited February 2022 in Other Investing
FOMC formally adopts comprehensive new rules for investment and trading activity

Looks to be some pretty solid (ie, "good") measures, at least on first glance. Now if similar restrictions were in place elsewhere around government to help improve federal ethics practices.


  • Regrettably, simply creating restrictions doesn't seem sufficient, with all the scofflaws around.

    57 members of Congress have violated a law designed to stop insider trading and prevent conflicts-of-interest

    That said, I agree that the restrictions look quite solid. Can't find any enforcement provision though. It could be implicit in the FOMC's ability to enforce its rules (self enforcement?).

    One not too surprising curiosity is that they cannot hold a fund concentrated on T bonds and notes. Nor can they hold single state muni bond funds (which are characterized as sector funds), though they can hold national muni bond funds.
  • Fed's primary business is T-Bills, T-Notes, T-Bonds, TIPS, so that restriction makes sense. One can potentially execute yield-curve positioning plays with Treasury-only funds.
    In 2020, only IL tapped Fed's muni liquidity facility, but other states could (problem was that the Fed set muni rates too high). The Fed never dealt with munis before, and Powell and others held munis. Anyway, state muni restrictions also make sense just in case the muni liquidity facility is activated.
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