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  • +1 clever headline Certainly fraying bonds and a lack of maturity in this story !
  • Kids grow up without supervision or without learning any lessons from mom and dad. So, whatever is LEGAL is ok. There are even specialized car tailpipe add-ons that have no function beyond creating more noise from the tailpipe. Grown-up kids buy cars with theater speakers and they wanna make sure the entire planet knows what they're listening to. Mostly, it's noise, not music. We liked our Rock-n-Roll LOUD. But we did not have humongous woofers and the electrified, nerve-grating, scratching sort of percussion these boneheads prefer. And the voices seem not to be able to get past a 4-note limit in terms of range. Finally: just remember: The "C" in Rap is silent. (I know you can figure that one out.). :)
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