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Stocks Are Off to Best Start to a Presidential Term Since Great Depression - WSJ
“The stock market closed out President Biden’s first 100 days in office on Thursday with its best start to a presidential term since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The S&P 500 has risen 11% since Mr. Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration. The index recorded its strongest performance since the start of Mr. Roosevelt’s first term in 1933, when it surged 80% after a spectacular crash in the Great Depression, according to a Dow Jones Market Data analysis. By comparison, the S&P 500 rose 5.3% in the first 100 days of President Donald Trump’s term in early 2017 and on average has gained 3.2% over that period in presidential terms since Herbert Hoover’s in 1929.”
Biden, Yellen, Powell...ya'll think these clowns have it under control? You have got to be kidding me...turning this country into a Banana Republic...bankrupting our future generations, debasing our currency, creating inequality up the ying yang, the "rich", meaning kooky Bernie Sanders and kooky Liz Warren get wealthier and wealthier while they "fog" and rail against "billionaires" to purposely obfuscate the real issues, meaning our number one export in the USA is and has been sending real jobs overseas, that is what causes all these issues, not whether we should pay a burger flipper $15/hr.
@Tarwheel, respect your comments re the Trumpster (what a crazy mofo, huh?) but this all reminds me of the turn of the ceturury when the 20 something year olds were driving 911's, riding limo's smoking cigars in all came crashing down.
These clowns are going to put us thru an inflationary cycle which will make the 70's and 80's look like a day on the beach in LaJolla...
Good Luck and Good Health to all regardless of your political views,
Nevertheless, Trump agreed with you that Powell was "foolish" and "crazy" However, Trump came to that conclusion when Powell raised interest rates. Trump felt rates should be lowered. That's just what Powell is doing now.
Moving past the ad hominem remark, we get to Banana Republic, surely not the clothing store
Over the past century, “banana republic” has evolved to mean any country (with or without bananas) that has a ruthless, corrupt, or just plain loopy leader who relies on the military and destroys state institutions in an egomaniacal quest for prolonged power. ...
At any time one can find conspicuous consumption in all age groups. That said, an objective account would show that Porsche was and remains a brand for males going through midlife crises.
From Fortune, January 1995:
The demographics of the Porsche owner are utterly predictable: a 40-something male college graduate earning over $200,000 per year.
The demographic of the Porsche owner, includes a college graduate, household income over $100,000, 85% male, and 15% female. The typical Porsche owner is 40 years old and up ...
The age demographic rose from an average age of 48 in 2007 to an average age of 51 in 2012.
FWIW, what I saw in Silicon Valley at the turn of the century were stock rich entrepreneurs driving Bimmers, not Porsches. (Well, Larry Ellison drove a Testarossa.) Me, I was zipping down I-280 at 100+MPH in my MR2. 80% of the fun for 30% of the price (see 80/20 rule). Value investing.
Biden, Yellen, Powell...ya'll think these clowns have it under control? You have got to be kidding me...turning this country into a Banana Republic...bankrupting our future generations, debasing our currency, creating inequality up the ying yang, the "rich", meaning kooky Bernie Sanders and kooky Liz Warren get wealthier and wealthier while they "fog" and rail against "billionaires" to purposely obfuscate the real issues, meaning our number one export in the USA is and has been sending real jobs overseas, that is what causes all these issues, not whether we should pay a burger flipper $15/hr.
@Tarwheel, respect your comments re the Trumpster (what a crazy mofo, huh?) but this all reminds me of the turn of the ceturury when the 20 something year olds were driving 911's, riding limo's smoking cigars in all came crashing down.
These clowns are going to put us thru an inflationary cycle which will make the 70's and 80's look like a day on the beach in LaJolla...
Good Luck and Good Health to all regardless of your political views,
Baseball Fan
Nevertheless, Trump agreed with you that Powell was "foolish" and "crazy" However, Trump came to that conclusion when Powell raised interest rates. Trump felt rates should be lowered. That's just what Powell is doing now.
Moving past the ad hominem remark, we get to Banana Republic, surely not the clothing store
Rather than a banana republic, perhaps what you had in mind was the Weimar Republic?
At any time one can find conspicuous consumption in all age groups. That said, an objective account would show that Porsche was and remains a brand for males going through midlife crises.
From Fortune, January 1995:
Plus ça change:
FWIW, what I saw in Silicon Valley at the turn of the century were stock rich entrepreneurs driving Bimmers, not Porsches. (Well, Larry Ellison drove a Testarossa.) Me, I was zipping down I-280 at 100+MPH in my MR2. 80% of the fun for 30% of the price (see 80/20 rule). Value investing.