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what investors should do about the sequestration

Hi, guys.

For what interest it holds, I was one of three folks whose answers to that question were posted on Amazon's Money and Markets blog. I suppose the general tenor of my brief response (they offered 500 words, I took 300) is suggested by the title, "Don't Just Do Something. Stand There." I'm not allowed to reproduce the text here - they have a two-week exclusivity agreement - but I'll likely share it in the April commentary (at which point I'll likely have been proven disastrously wrong, which won't be a first).

For what it's worth,



  • And the kabuki show goes on and on and on and on


  • Good article David!

    I should add this Blog to my blog collection to read. There are actually pretty good articles there.
  • Yes, Investor's correct (as usual)... actually, three good articles!
  • David, Chuck Jaffe has re-run your interview at Friday's show.
  • Practical "sage" advice David. Very nice blog.
  • Reply to @Investor: Wow. Thanks for teling me. I had no idea. I wonder why? Hmmmm ...

  • Reply to @Investor: Hi, guy! I'm glad you found them useful. I'll mention my appearance there in the April issue. If you or OJ come across posts there that you think about worth folks' attention, I'd happily highlight them and credit your acuity.

    Take care, David
  • edited March 2013
    Thanks for the link Mr Snowball, I've 'bookmark' it. Good site.
    Look like the recovery could be 'REAL', so we may have slow growth the next few yrs, sequester is indeed Maybe yesterday's news. Market still went up even sequester was happening - I don't think it will affect the market much as long as the economy keeps a sluggish turtle-paced limited or slow growth ahead. On the other hand, we should be worry about the Feds more than the Sequester [IMHO].
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