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49% of Republican men say they won’t get vaccinated

edited March 2021 in Off-Topic


  • edited March 2021
    I swear- I'm to the point where I frankly just don't understand "those people" at all, and have no idea what their thought processes, if any, may be.

    No shots to protect themselves, no masks to protect themselves and others. They don't come across as having a death wish, so do they believe that the whole COVID situation is "fake news"?
  • IMHO, they're Neo-Confederates who are anti-intellectual, anti-science, know-it-alls who refuse to take advice from multicultural governmental agencies, and who still think President Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya !
  • Obviously the Christian God sends plagues to race select and preserve the balance of white men in positions of wealth and/or power. The dead were called back to God or the other guy. Why fight it if you think you are being aided in your preeminence by something that is, after all, the social dominance will of the Christian God?

    Getum sick, getum sick, getum real sick they cry in stadiums making white male predation a team sport. Blacks, Asians, Polynesians, all women must either die or become obedient to the will of the white supreme male. It is ordained.
  • Howdy folks,

    It's all so Jonestown. We're watching a significant percentage of the population almost willingly commit suicide and there's not really much we can do. That said, and never at a loss for suggestions, here you go.

    Make if worth their while at companies. Pay them to get their shot. Get FDA final approval for the vaccines, at which point, a LOT of requirements kick in (i.e. the military can't require an emergency authorized vaccine but can a final. Ever see a vaccination gun? I have. Make vaccinations required for all commercial travel, both domestic and international. Required for all mass transit. Required for all students, teachers and staff. And required to vote. [rono wants to see if you peeps read his nonsense]. Seriously, republicans are so hell bent on restricting voting, how about requiring vaccinations? Just saying.

    Being a 3rd term elected republican, I can honestly say that at the state and federal levels, it's become the party of dirty old white men, that are sexist, racist, religinazi scum.

    BTW, my little township is going to spend our Eagle Shit on broadband.

    and so it goes,

    peace and wear the damn mask,


  • "What s/he said!" (---Radar O'Reilly.)

    I resemble all those remarks! Truth. The Repugnant Party is no Party anymore. It's a Negativity and Obstructionist cult. Ant-intellectual. Anti-science. Basically, anti-learning. Did anyone else see DOCTOR Rand Paul make a goddam fool of himself, grilling an actual doctor, Fauci, on the tv news?

    Yes, the Eagle has already "shat" in our direction. It will come in handy. We are NOT among those who couldn't get by without it, though. So, it's "gravy."
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