Some of us have investments that are unique to the MO Boards and considered outliers by most. List 1-2 that you own and what you like about it...
I'll start - MCSMX (Matthews China Small Companies).
YEs, the performance is outstanding, it's relatively expensive, volatile and limited access by analysts etc...I just find this a fascinating part of the International Markets. Getting in on possibly the next JANT-like company also intrigues me.
Not for me, good luck to all,
Baseball fan
Not for me
Baseball fan
Haven't even mentioned the plethora, excuse me alledegedly plethora of fakes and counterfeit goods sold thru some of these companies
What's wrong with investing in msft, jnj, want, aapl, googl...oh valuations you say? Ya gotta be sheeting me...if you were concerned about that you'd be all tbills and cash
I don't claim to know anything about anything, do your own due diligence
Baseball Fan