I looked over the data and there were 15 responses with percentages of the top 3 funds. I tallied the totals, removed the highest %(Max a whopping 78%) and the lowest % and then added the remaining together and the average was 33.6% for the 3 top funds. That is higher than I would have guessed and shows conviction in our picks.
Manager tenure ranged from 1.4 years to 25 years with 6 funds less than 3 years old. Most funds have a M* analyst rating of Gold,silver or bronze.
The types and number of funds were:
Bank loan-1
Precious metals-1
Conservative allocation-4
US Large blend-4
US Large value-1
US Large growth-1
US Mid value-1
Moderate allocation-8
US Small value-1
World Allocation-4
World Stock-1
Pacific Asia-2
This was not scientific so there may be errors. So chill and draw your own conclusions.
I edited my response. Better?
Conservative allocation-4
US Large blend-4
Moderate allocation-8
World Allocation-4
So most of us decided either to invest in bonds or to let managers decide.
As for DODBX and OAKBX - owned both for about 10 years. Good solid funds from reputable cost-competitive companies. They complement each other in that DODBX does better in hot markets and OAKBX tends to outperform during poor markets. All three funds are part of my buy-and-hold allocation. OAKBX and DODBX are also stalwarts in my Roth. This is not by accident.