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TRP Special Meeting, via "zoom" or some such

edited January 2021 in Fund Discussions Proxy_OK.pdf
T. Rowe Price Spectrum Diversified Equity Fund
T. Rowe Price Spectrum Income Fund
T. Rowe Price Spectrum International Equity Fund

"...The purpose of the Shareholder Meeting is for Fund shareholders to vote on a proposal that was approved by the Funds’ Board of Directors to amend and restate each Fund’s investment management agreement. The purpose of the proposal is to change each Fund’s overall expense structure. Under the proposal, the amended and restated investment management agreement would provide for the payment of an “all-inclusive” management fee by each Fund and the elimination of the pass-through of operating expenses to the underlying funds in which the Fund invests. The Board of Directors of the Funds recommends that you vote in favor of the proposal with respect to your Fund. If the proposal is approved by a Fund’s shareholders, the Fund would invest in Z Classes of its underlying funds, which is anticipated to result in lower total expense ratios at the time of the expense restructure. The change to the expense structure would also accommodate the future addition of a new share class for the Funds—the I Class—which is designed for institutional and other larger investors and has lower overall shareholder servicing costs than the Funds’ Investor Class. The addition of the I Class could attract larger and more diverse investors to help the Funds further grow in the future...."

I understand the WORDS, but what does it MEAN? (I own RPSIX. )


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