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Aberdeen Select International Equity Fund to change name

edited December 2020 in Fund Discussions

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Aberdeen International Sustainable Leaders Fund
(formerly, Aberdeen Select International Equity Fund)
(the “Fund”)

Supplement dated December 18, 2020 to the Fund’s Prospectus and Statement of Additional

Information, each dated February 28, 2020, as supplemented to date

(the “February 2020 Prospectus and SAI”)

Effective December 1, 2020, the Aberdeen Select International Equity Fund changed its name to the Aberdeen International Sustainable Leaders Fund and changed its principal investment strategies and portfolio managers as set forth in a separate prospectus and statement of additional information dated December 1, 2020 (the “December 2020 Prospectus and SAI”). The Aberdeen International Sustainable Leaders Fund is currently offered pursuant to the December 2020 Prospectus and SAI. All references to, and information with respect to, the Aberdeen Select International Equity Fund are hereby deleted from the February 2020 Prospectus and SAI.

This supplement is dated December 18, 2020.

Please retain this Supplement for future reference.


  • I believe I copied the wrong Aberdeen fund previously.
  • The names are so similar it's hard to keep them straight. The only reason why I even found this was that when I checked the only ticker I knew for the old Julius Baer funds, BJBIX, I discovered that it wasn't one of the funds you had originally posted. And I still had difficulty keeping the funds straight with both filings in front of me.
  • No problem. Too many Aberdeen, especially international funds, are affected by their changes.
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