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I'm on a Gregory Peck jag...

edited December 2020 in Off-Topic
12 O'Clock High is first rate.
The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit was a nice surprise. Jennifer Jones is the wife.

Duel In The Sun? At least Peck was not type-cast as the respectable good guy. Lionel Barrymore appears as a cranky old man in a wheelchair, even more obnoxious than the cranky old man in a wheelchair in "Key Largo." Jennifer Jones was married to Selznick. She was worthy of any man's attention.

Soon: "The Boys From Brazil." "Roman Holiday." (Audrey Hepburn! In ROME!)


  • Also, To Kill a Mockingbird
  • edited December 2020
    *Yes, I will re-watch that one. It got him an Oscar. I forgot to mention above: I watched "The Seawolves." Utterly forgettable. The one good moment was when one of the soldiers-turned-sailors was informed, in front of the group, that he was being assigned to stay behind to babysit the ship they were on, so he wasn't going to be part of the mission per se. "Yessir," he said. Then, "SHIT, Sir!" And everyone giggled. Then another fellow was told the same thing. "Can I say SHIT, too, Sir?"
    Also: "On The Beach." Ava Gardner! Great cast. A chilling story. A bittersweet ending. Well done! You recall the younger, pretty officer who worked in that Australian Navy office in the city. The Admiral always shouted her name: "Osgood! Osgood!" And she'd run right in. At the end, I loved the moment where he had her come in and sit down. "Would you have a drink with an old man?"..... "No sir," she said. "But I'd very much like to have one with YOU." :)
  • "The Boys From Brazil." Preposterous. How did they manage to get such a good bunch of actors to DO such a movie?
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