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T. Rowe’s website has been down several hours now.

edited November 2020 in Off-Topic
“We apologize for this inconvenience as we are currently experiencing technical issues.
We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve the issue.
Please call for any immediate needs.”

I didn’t think this warranted posting under fund discussions. Hopeful it’s not related to my browser. Just curious if anyone else here was able to login to their account today?


  • I am getting the same message as you from Safari browser. Since the stock market is closed today, many firms are using this time to update their servers with security patches. Fidelity's and Vanguard's sites are up.
  • edited November 2020
    Thanks @Sven.

    Actually, my issue was Wednesday when they should have been running as usual. From the first attempt around 10 AM until I gave up trying around 2 PM I wasn’t able to login. Also called once and was put on a 10-15 minute hold by their automated system before i hung up.

    Glad it wasn’t anything important. But had I gotten logged in, I probably would have placed a small transaction as I’m beginning to get the 2021 household budget in shape. It’s a a thankless job - roughly akin to the amount of work that goes into tax prep every year.

    Thanks again.
  • One would think these firms would schedule their maintenance after business hours or better after midnight.

    You are way ahead of me in planning for next year's budget. This weekend I will collect info for tax return. Having our taxable asset moved to index funds and ETFs awhile back certainly simplified the potentially large year-end distribution that we experienced in the past. Also the ability to download and organize the dividend and capital gain in spreadsheet really speeds up the tax preparation process.
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