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U.S. judge calls Trump claim challenging Biden win in Pennsylvania 'Frankenstein's Monster'

edited November 2020 in Off-Topic
Nice to know this judge appreciates visual metaphors. STORY

And than there’s this ...

Rudy Giuliani's hair dye streaked down his face in bizarre press conference ... STORY


  • Someone called that Rudy's cranial lube is leaking.

    What happens to Rudy Giuliani, the major who once was well respected?
  • It's already happened- nutso.
  • @Sven - while the hair dye leaking was funny, the fly on Pence was funnier.
  • Watching a building blow up is not the same as seeing it slowly crumble.
  • I'm slowly crumbling... Giuliani has already blown up. :)
  • edited November 2020
    BTW, I'm half Italian (Genovese) and my wife is also half Italian (Tuscan). The other day I told her, just to be annoying, that Rudy was undoubtedly Tuscan, and that there was likely some sort of genetic issue involved. I had no idea what he actually was, of course.

    You can imagine the atmosphere when DuckDuck Go informed us that he is, indeed, of Tuscan ancestry.
    :) :) :)
  • Just can't seem to get away from stepping in it can you @OJ
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