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Putin congratulated Trump almost immediately in 2016. Not after Biden win.

At least El Grande Jefe has one foreign supporter:
MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first world leaders to congratulate President Donald Trump on winning the 2016 U.S. election. Yet on Monday, days after Joe Biden was projected to win the presidency, Putin remained silent as other world leaders moved to congratulate the former vice president and his running mate Kamala Harris.


  • edited November 2020
    Odd. You'd think that Putin would be happy about the election of a brother socialist/communist, right?

    Maybe we should check with Gary and @FD1000 to sort this out.
  • Police Chief Resigns In Arkansas After 'Death To All Marxist Democrats' Messages

    Link to NPR Article

    Local Arkansas police chief quits after calling for violence against Democrats

    Link to Guardian Article

  • It would be nice if folks who make crazy remarks like that actually knew what Marxism was.
  • But they do! Marxism / Communism / Socialism are all simply whatever they aren't programmed to believe in. Check with Gary1952 on that.
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