I was reading this article which is the latest interview with Mr. Bob Rodriguez.
https://www.advisorperspectives.com/articles/2020/09/07/bob-rodriguez-we-are-in-a-rolling-depression?bt_ee=2Uw6gfTl1acmbbw28pLOfK/hMQ3GXGHwzHKGdaEm47LjEjw3gYAFD9sXSCuP2Xbb&bt_ts=1599559369233I found this paragraph to be surprising (toward the end of the article).
My last question is one for my own curiosity. What information sources do you find most valuable for insights into
the economy or to the markets?
One of the sources of information that's rather intriguing, but you have to cut through some of it, is the website ZeroHedge.
A lot of the news that will break on the major channels shows up there first. In fact, they were talking about a potential
pandemic coming out of China back in early January. I find that one to be of interest.
I am not trying to stir the pot especially after what David mentioned in the post Old_Skeet Says ... Goodbye.
Mr. Rodriguez is loading up on Gold. I guess he is following the Ron Paul portfolio.
I hope that this post isn't offensive and is NOT going to generate push back/nasty discussion. Again I am not trying to stir the pot. I just found Mr. Rodriguez comment interesting.
To be honest, ZH's Twitter feed was very useful for breaking news over the years, especially for context when I was trading. But I quit following it a long while ago when it became more skewed with conspiracy theories and snark than useful information that the MSM wasn't covering.
Their site is replete with content from conspiracy theorists, gold hoarders, doomsayers, and more. The noise-to-signal ratio is, last time I looked, very very high and makes finding useful information not worth searching for.
He did a great job especially at FPACX but clearly now is into just preserving the millions he must have as he is buying up houses around Lake Tahoe. His comments on Gold and real assets are worth reading
He has always been conservative money wise. Given the Fed's monetary policy today I can understand why. Nevertheless his interview is informative.
...You've talked about the fact that you've live in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. As a state that has no personal income taxes, a majority of the state's revenue is derived from tourism and special taxes on gambling. You've also talked about the positive outlook for real estate there. But, with those two sources of revenue severely curtailed by the pandemic, how do you see the future for Nevada?
This article indicates he has retired from fund management since 2009 but still manages his own money.
what LB said
20-plus years ago one of my kids was taking AP US history at the local superduper high-powered suburban high school, and spent a week intensively studying 1870s railroad legislation, plus the congressional debates etc.
At the time this former HS teacher thought Man, that is way too granular and way too deep in the grass.
Of course what the teacher knew and I realized only later was that it was a focus on the American social pact in the high time of rugged individualism hokum and also an object lesson to a bunch of privileged majority kids some of whom (like my son) were reading Rand in their spare time. (Including her wacky take on railroads in Atlas.) 'You didn't build that [alone]', etc.
Texas did not require Diphtheria vaccinations for school in 1970. Most of the poor Hispanics ( they were "Mexicans" then) couldn't afford to go to a private MD anyway (although if it were required for school the health department would have set up clinics).
The last US Diphtheria epidemic was, of course, in San Antonio in 1970. 200 people infected three deaths and widespread panic.
Vaccination soon required. On a side note, Ex-Governor Perry tried to mandate vaccinations for Cervical Cancer ( which is a personal tragedy but far less of a public health hazard than Diphtheria or Covid) when one of his major donors with massive Merk stock pushed him to do so
The lesson to learn is that most ideological positions with any economic implications, are just economics.