American Funds’ Quiet Rise to Bond Dominance’+Quiet+Rise+to+Bond+Dominance&oq=American+Funds’+Quiet+Rise+to+Bond+Dominance&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2.1043j0j7&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
While most investors have been laser-focused on stocks this year, the relative steadiness of the bond market has gone largely ignored. American Funds’ bond portfolios, however, have produced a remarkable amount of good news. Managed by Capital Group, they turned in top-notch performance during the coronavirus rout, and have steadily climbed to the pinnacle of their categories over longer periods.
The gains reflect a quiet overhaul that has transformed Capital Group, founded in 1931, into a bond giant.
When I look at Fidelity funds screener ANBEX has the best performance for 1-3 years in the Intermediate Core Bond + Intermediate Core Bond plus categories.
Second to ANBEX are SCCYX+SCPZX from Carillon Reams.