think all bets are off after massive individuals show up for protest over past wk, virus dooming data loss appeals, reduced infectivities and deaths stats (maybe hovering around 0.5_0.9% instead of predicted 4- 9%) in multiple states, 2 mills vaccines maybe available soon, good potential drugs treatments maybe available in falls.
NBA seasons and baseball seasons are heading toward reopenings also
I am glad things maybe returning to normalcy
Maybe time to head to games get hotdogs and a cold beer
10 yrs from now we probably won't remember corona after all
Fine. You go. Good luck.
Professional sports need to find creative solutions to have live fans while sharing the tight environment. Health liability is something the stadium owners have to face.
Early football training camp at Alabama and Arkansas already have positive Covid tests. Gonna be interesting. One Michigan university has already canceled other sports programs. NOT because of Covid, but what will be low cash flow (TV monies) from what a football program brings to a university, which supports many other sport programs.
Stay Safe, Derf
Near where we live all restaurants and large local facilities are openned now, so many people are dinning. Shopping centers Ross and tj max also opened. People go there and forgot coronavirus ever happened, only about 20% wears mask. Maybe too big and coronavirus incidents not so bad compared to other large metropolis areas like NJ or NYC
Stay Safe, Derf
Everywhere else folks partee like it was 1999 [unless they are protestings]
Smoking not wearing masks constant cursing yelling sharing drinks cards monies...what could go wrong