“A global investment firm has fired a woman after a video circulated of her calling the police on a man who had asked her to put her dog on a leash (in NYC’s Central Park). The video showed Amy Cooper, who is white, approaching a man later identified as Christian Cooper, who is black, and threatening to call the police. She asked him to stop filming her and said she would call the police to report an "African American man threatening my life," which she then did. The police responded but ultimately took no action.”“Franklin Templeton Investments, a US asset-management firm, initially said an employee had been placed on leave as the company investigated the situation. It did not name the woman, but NBC reported that Amy Cooper was the staffer in question. On Tuesday afternoon, around 24 hours after the incident occurred, the woman was fired.”https://www.businessinsider.com/investment-firm-suspends-central-park-woman-rang-nypd-black-man-2020-5The Coopers are unrelated. An abiding interest in aviation leads me to wonder whether either is related to the infamous D.B. Cooper?
Sadly, -4 Minneapolis police. Hopefully murder charges follow.