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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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the May "post-brunch" issue of the Observer is live

I noted in an email on Friday that I didn't want to launch our anniversary issue at 10:00 on a Friday note, so we targeted "just after brunch" on Sunday.

Okay, so my hypothetical brunch ran long. (sigh)

My letter, sharing the case for rational optimism and the need for immediate caution.

Profile of the Bruce Fund, Launch Alerts for Matthews Asia Emerging Markets and Grandeur Peak US Stalwarts, Elevator Talk with Eric Cinnamond and Jayme Wiggin of Palm Valley Capital Fund.

Ed offers him most direct portfolio advice to date, Lynn helps you work through taxes, Charles unveils new ways of figuring out what's in your bond fund.

And all of them answer the question, what are you thinking?, in a series of short essays each entitled "What I'm Thinking."

I hope it was worth the wait.



  • All I can say is poor Steven Klopukh, who was named the new manager of the Allianz Microcap funds on April 20th and they're to be liquidated in less than two months. It's like being given the wheel of a sinking ship.
  • I wonder if he is a specialist at it? I learned some while ago that there is a sub-specialty within investment management, people who wind down funds. Who knew? Quite possibly, just a nice guy left holding the bag.
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