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John Hopkins Covid-19 Map


  • edited April 2020
    Hi Lewis,
    I've watched this from the early days. I take a picture from the laptop screen everyday.
    The global map and then zoom in to the Michigan map.
    I've maintained this...........but, it sure is damn depressing.
    ALSO, the "dots" have changed relative to "number of cases". Early on, I hopped around to view different countries for a fast discovery. Example: I recall when Italy started to have serious numbers and seeing only 1 dot for Switzerland which = 1 case. Japan, one could view individual locations and case numbers; Sapporo only, etc. Same with Michigan.
    'Course, the numbers are so large now for countries.........I now focus more at our state level by county and zip code, as these data bases have become available.

    Take care of you and yours,
  • edited April 2020
    Thanks, Catch. The numbers are both depressing and hopeful as we see them shrink in certain places and we wait for this to end. It is rare that humanity shares a global event everyone will remember. This is one.
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