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Russia sending medical supplies to US

Yes, to the U.S. But I also meant the header to express: "to US???!!!"
Bonehead President. I will go to my grave dumbfounded as to the way the Repugnant Party became a Trump cult and stopped being in any sense a PARTY with anything meaningful to say. Sycophants, all. Some, like David Jolly, are to be applauded.


  • Well sure. Russia can afford to send us medical supplies. They don't have corona. They just have an unusual number of cases of pneumonia.
  • Russia's reported COVID-19 number is suspiciously low that said it all. Just like the Chernobyl nuclear power plant incident and the delay response from the former Soviet Union.
  • Putin is wearing a hazmat suit, respirator (not that face mask), and full face shield just to visit patients in hospitals. If Russia's infection rate is low, why bother with all these extra precaution? This is what one sees the ER doctors and nurses wearing when they face hundreds of new patients on a daily basis.
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