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75 Must-Know Statistics About Women and Retirement

By Christine Benz at M*

"Lower lifetime earnings and longer life expectancies paint a troubling picture about the state of women's retirement preparedness."

Article Link


  • Only 75 ?!
  • There might be more. Was this included:

    From the Root Report:
    "Globally, women and young girls suffer most from hunger and poverty. Conservative estimates indicate that 60% of all chronically hungry people are female. This is further exacerbated by conflict, forced migration, unemployment, low-wage jobs, and food and water insecurity caused by extreme weather and climate events.

    While women are more likely to experience hunger, they are also most responsible for moving food from earth to table and sustaining the health and well-being of their families. Around the world, women produce an estimated 70% of all food consumed in their countries. They are the keepers of local seeds and vital knowledge about sustainable practices that produce abundant food, repair the soil and cool the planet. In many ways, it is women who are on the frontlines of the ongoing struggle for food, land, water, and economic justice."
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