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Dow soars nearly 1,200 points as investors weigh Biden resurgence, efforts to guard economies agains

Dow soars nearly 1,200 points as investors weigh Biden resurgence, efforts to guard economies against coronavirus

U.S. stocks soared Wednesday, with a strong showing by former Vice President Joe Biden in the Democratic primaries buoying investors who view him as a more business-friendly alternative to Bernie Sanders.


  • edited March 2020
    It's my opinion that there are far greater structural deficiencies in the market than COVID-19 and presidential candidate selections. I might be wrong but right now this market is just too goofy for my tastes.
  • And today the market opens down almost 3%... Did Biden drop out???? I'm with Mark. This market is just looking for emotional reasons to be "goofy".
  • beebee
    edited March 2020
    Interesting Article on Volatility and what's in store over the next year (between now and March 2021):
    The rise in T-Bill yields which was taking place leading up to the March 2019 top is now getting echoed in an up trending set of values for the VIX Index. That process is not yet complete, and it won’t be complete until March 2021. The current rapidly falling T-Bill yields are going to mean lower VIX Index readings, but that process won’t begin until a year from now.
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