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muni yield next to nothing yet investors keep buying

muni yield next to nothing yet investors keep buying

Americans who already held about $1.9 trillion of state and local debt poured another $113 billion into mutual funds focused on the securities since early 2019, according to Investment Company Institute and Federal Reserve figures.


  • "Love" to read the these articles

    "Los Angeles International Airport, rated AA, last week borrowed at below AAA yields, with bonds maturing in 2021 yielding just 0.63%. Even risky debt is paying only what top-rated securities once did. An Ohio agency sold a massive tobacco-settlement bond sale with unrated debt due in 2055 trading at an average of 3.4% yields on Friday."

    NVHAX is shorter term HY with yield over 3.5%
    WHYIX with duration=5 pays 4%

    looks to me as a decent yield + Free Fed tax :-)
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