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Weekly market watch reads - Keep politics out of your stock portfolio — plus other top investing tip

Keep politics out of your stock portfolio — plus other top investing tips

Weekly recaps and couple of interesting reads marketwatch
Enjoy rest weekend


  • edited February 2020
    "How can you immunize your portfolio from political bias? Probably the best way, behavioral economists tell me, is to discuss your investment ideas with others of different political persuasions. If you’re able to convince them that your investment idea makes sense, then you can be at least relatively assured that political bias is not playing a role in your thinking. But if you can’t persuade them, you may want to think twice before acting on it."

    ---Mark Hulbert
    Honestly? Maybe if one utterly has zero confidence in themselves, and possesses zero self-control. The simple truth is that it's impossible to invest at all, without putting one's conscience on a shelf. Dem, Rep or Martian. There is no perfect economic system, but capitalism is the least egalitarian. Mind you, along with uncle Jordan Peterson, I do not argue for guaranteed equality of OUTCOMES. But equality of opportunity ought to be a prime ethical ideal. That is most certainly not the case today.
  • edited February 2020
    johnN said:

    Keep politics out of your stock portfolio — plus other top investing tips

    Weekly recaps and couple of interesting reads marketwatch
    Enjoy rest weekend

    Typically good advice not to follow the front page when drawing up your investment plans.

    I'm not sure I see the value in discussing my investment ideas with people just because they disagree with me about politics. Most people don't study on the subject enough to have anything to add to the conversation besides opinions.

    But, I will say, the current resident of the White House has been good for my small allocation to gold.
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