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Barrick Gold Chief Hits at Fund Managers Over New Found ESG Focus

edited February 2020 in Off-Topic
“The growth of passive investing has forced active fund managers to find new ways to attract investor money and ESG-focused investing has been one way they have been able to fight back. ... Mr Bristow also said poverty was a bigger issue than climate change, adding that it was ludicrous that countries in Africa were facing pressure to cut carbon emissions when they produced a small percentage of the global total.” Financial Times 2/5/2020

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  • Poverty isn’t driving one million species to extinction and killing the plankton and rainforests that produce much of our breathable air. It also isn’t producing famine, floods and climate refugees. Climate change creates poverty in emerging countries. And it is laughable that a CEO in the gold mining industry, which has long had brutal labor practices and supported all sorts of dictatorships and oppressive regimes in emerging countries should claim to be concerned about poverty in Africa.
  • edited February 2020
    Right there with you Lewis.

    If you will allow me to add to your statement "Climate change creates poverty in emerging countries." ...along with the stripping of their natural resources and all the pollution created by their industry practices which they take zero responsibility for.
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