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Stock Market Returns Are Not The Same Thing As Financial Objectives

By Alpha Gen Capital at

° Retirees have an over-reliance and spend far too much time on rates of return. Instead, investors should focus on cash flows, both in and out of your household.

° This is a construct of Wall Street who wants you to be placing all your investable assets into the market, while placing all the risk on your retirement on you.

° We think the next few years will show a significant shift in the way investors/retirees manage their financial retirement.

° It is our belief that a focus on cash flows, not rates of return, will be the future, including the use of income annuities.

Article Here


  • edited January 2020
    Thanks for the link.

    The one commenter on the article at the link notes the difference between the purpose of his retirement account and the purpose of his taxable accounts. That's something useful to think about.
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