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  • edited May 2011
    Any regulators going to do much about making sure this isn't happening on an ongoing basis with these Chinese IPOs? (Crickets.) No? Okay.

    Broker: "We have this new Chinese IPO. The auditor left, and when I looked up the company address on Google Earth, it was just a cow field."

    Fund Manager: "What do they do?"

    Broker: "Social networking. It's the Chinese version of (fill in whatever fad tech company you like.)"

    Fund Manager: (craps self) "I'll take EVERY SHARE YOU HAVE!"

    Broker: But, but the CEO appears to be a cow.

    Fund Manager: "I don't care, it's the Chinese Facebook! I'm sure it'll be huge!"

    The Russians are now getting in on the act, too. There was the "Russian Google" IPO this week (Yandex.)
  • Same thing happened in Texas a few years ago. I think the company had the name Enron.
    I think the regulators have their hands full with unscrupulous U.S. firms.

    Now, we have 3 place to avoid investing, if we are going to pull up the big umbrella of bashing.
  • A fool and his money are soon parted!
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