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Fund Spy: The Thrilling 34

Russel Kinnel
Dec 30, 2019

Mentioned: American Funds AMCAP A (AMCPX) , American Funds American Balanced A (ABALX) , American Funds Capital World Gr&Inc A (CWGIX) , Dodge & Cox Income (DODIX) , Dodge & Cox Stock (DODGX) , Vanguard Explorer Inv (VEXPX) , Fidelity® Diversified International (FDIVX) , Fidelity® Low-Priced Stock (FLPSX) , Fidelity® Select Health Care (FSPHX) , American Funds Growth Fund of Amer A (AGTHX)

"Every year I write about the Thrilling 34--although the number varies slightly each time. The idea is to focus on the most important factors and let them do the weeding for me. The goal is a short list of outstanding funds accessible to individual investors. This isn’t a list for huge pension funds."



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