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Advisors set to increase use of ETFs in client portfolios, survey finds

Advisors set to increase use of ETFs in client portfolios, survey finds
The Globe and Mail

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are expected to become a bigger part of Canadian investment advisors' client portfolios because of their lower fees, ...


  • Like discovering water is wet.
  • edited December 2019
    Glad I'm fluent in Canadian, although only the Ontario dialect. je ne parle pas français.
    The Canadian's are a fine people in general, and I wouldn't state anything to the negative about them without great cause; but I really don't care about how advisor's or their clients choose which investments vehicles to use there. And I'm not moving to Canada to be an investor.
    Thus I don't understand why the post subject and link are at this forum. Oh, wait; my bad, as I have presumed no Canadian's at this forum. I apologize to those here.
    What say you, johnN; what is your reason?
  • edited December 2019
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