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Neighbor chat: Time frame, apply for Soc.Sec. to first payment: real people experience question

A neighbor chat question. The question being: After application filing to receive Soc. Sec. benefit, what is the time frame to receiving the first payment?
I've viewed the SS site and checked other related FAQ pages and don't find a defined answer for the question. In some cases, I have found that the first payment may not be deposited for 4 months.
Is there a time frame or calculation that SS always uses?
Thank you for your assistance and any links that you may provide.


  • From personal experience when I became eligible for SS and filed the paperwork my first check was directly deposited like clockwork. No fuss, no stumbles. YMMV.
  • We wife reached full retirement age (66) early last November. She filed on-line in October to start payments at that time. She received her first check in December.
  • Thank you all for your input. I had viewed Anna's link previous and was looking for specific info as to a normal begin time after filing. I did see the part about if one filed before age 62 and would wait until that age was attained. As well as, if one was fulled eligible that pay could start "soon". I was looking for real people clarification and will be able to pass real experiences along to the neighbor.
    Your time is much appreciated, and I am now wiser, too.
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