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Healthcare ETFs Win in October: Here's Why Contributor

edited November 2019 in Fund Discussions

Healthcare ETFs Win in October: Here's Why

We have added more to Vang health care etf and recently...think health care maybe good for long term


  • edited November 2019
    You noted: "think health care maybe good for long term"

    Just say'in, the charts don't lie for this area............ Yes, they have their moments, too; with sideways movement and all the noise from political land is always an edge.
    Health medical devices/science has been the strong area here since 2016. 'Course, there are many narrow areas in health science if you want to gamble a bit more.
    SPY included in the chart for a broad U.S. reference.
    Hover cursor over color symbol at top of chart to see ticker symbol.

    Healthcare, broad and sector specific
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