FYI: The image below is a snapshot of 35 different country ETFs from our Trend Analyzer tool in the interactive section of our website. For each ETF, we start off by showing its YTD performance along with where each one closed the prior trading day with respect to its 50-day moving average. From there, we also show each ETF's Trend rating (up, down, or sideways), along with a 'Timing' score that takes into account each ETF's trend and where it's trading with respect to its trading range to determine whether current levels provide a statistically attractive time to take a long position. Finally, we also show where each ETF is trading with respect to its trading range (red or green circle) and where it was trading one week earlier (end of tail).
Looking at the current snapshot, the majority of country ETFs are not only above their 50-day moving averages, but they are also overbought. In fact, just nine ETFs are not overbought and only one - Turkey (TUR) - is below its 50-DMA. What's really amazing about the recent performance of the country ETFs, though, is that all 35 ETFs listed below have traded higher over the last week. So it has not only been a good week for US equities, but stocks around the world have also been in rally mode. Leading the way to the upside, Sweden (EWD), Poland (EPOL), Turkey (TUR), and Austria (EWO) are all up over 4%, while Israel (EIS), China (GXC), Vietnam (VNM), and Malaysia (EWM) have lagged with gains of less than 1%.