FYI: In 35 years covering investments, I have seen “the end” countless times.
Dividend investing purportedly was dying while the Internet bubble was inflating in the 1990s, buy-and-hold investing has been on the way out countless times in the last quarter century, asset allocation hasn’t worked as expected throughout the current bull market, international diversification is a bust because the United States is the strongest market in the world, value investing is kaput, and much, much more.
Any time you see someone flashing “The End,” however, you should think of it as you do in a movie theatre; the picture you’ve seen may have ended, but it could be revisited in a sequel, a re-make or in a similar story made into a different film.
Bank of America Securities just published a study titled “The End of 60/40,” a new verse to an increasingly popular tune. Yet, every time the investment world appears ready to give up on conventional wisdom, we find out why the thinking has been conventional and successful for so long.