stated in the Supplement dated March 1, 2011 to the Prospectus dated November 1, 2010 for the James Advantage Market Neutral Fund (the “Fund”), the Board of Trustees of the Fund has concluded that it is in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders that the Fund cease operations. The Board has determined to close the Fund and redeem all outstanding shares on June 28, 2011.
Effective May 24, 2011, the Fund will no longer pursue its stated investment objective. The Fund will begin liquidating its portfolio and will invest in cash equivalents such as money market funds until all shares have been redeemed. Any capital gains will be distributed as soon as practicable to shareholders and reinvested in additional shares, unless you have previously requested payment in cash. Shares of the Fund are otherwise not available for purchase.
After May 24, 2011 and prior to June 28, 2011, you may redeem your shares, including reinvested distributions, in accordance with the “How to Redeem Shares” section in the Prospectus. Unless your investment in the Fund is through a tax-deferred retirement account, any redemption is subject to tax on any taxable gains. Please refer to the “Dividends and Distributions” and “Taxes” sections in the Prospectus for general information. You may wish to consult your tax advisor about your particular situation...
NARFX was really a fund that a lot of people were excited about. Additionally, NARFX doesn't bill itself as Market Neutral (although it falls into that M* category); it's actually an "absolute return" product: "...intended to provide protection of capital in declining stock and bond markets and to participate in appreciating stock and bond markets."