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Weekly Stock Market Recap – Sep 22nd 2019

edited September 2019 in Fund Discussions
An incredibly non volatile week as indexes did next to nothing until Wednesday afternoon when the Federal Reserve delivered the much expected quarter rate cut. Markets rallied into the close Wednesday, flat lined yet again Thursday and then a small pullback Friday.

While there was some worry about oil supply early in the week after an attack on Saudi facilities, much of that was washed away by mid week.

As for the central bank:

No More Weekly Stock Market Recap:


  • edited September 2019
    It's said to learn that there will be no more Stock Market Recaps after next week. I have enjoyed reading them for a good number of years and said to see them go.

    However, there is CNBC "Morning Squawk" that one can sign up to receive each morning via email that recaps former market activity and current events along with what's happening today and for the coming week.

    For me, I find it enjoyable reading as well.
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