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Asset Manager Websites Least Trusted By Consumers, Study Says

edited September 2019 in Fund Discussions
FYI: Investors want to view websites with clear and understandable information—yet that's not what they're getting from asset management companies, according to new research.

Instead, investors are being fed complex content that takes longer to digest and requires high mental effort to understand, according to research by Visible Thread, with the backing of Edelman Trust Barometer.

2019 Asset Management Website Clarity Index:


  • edited September 2019
    In terms of readability, the report said the average American reads at an 8th-grade level, which is a score between 60 and 70 on a scale of 100. Writing at this level maximizes potential customer reach and engagement, it said. The higher the score, the easier the content is to understand, the report said, adding that firms should aim for at least a score of 50.
    For God’s sake!
  • We're sorry... the god that you have reached is not in service at this time. We're sorry...
  • I think they, and other businesses as well, aim even lower on most TV commercials.
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