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Coddiwomple. A must add to the individual's investor lexicon

According to the definition submitted anonymously to Merriam-Webster online, “Coddiwomple” means “to travel in a purposeful manner toward an uncertain destination.” Some definitions use “vague destination” instead.

So, to the lighter side of investing, we've had a few mental names for our investment portfolio over the years. Here are a few below,related to song titles; and in no order of relevance, and mostly a '60's music title list for this write. Coddiwomple will have to be the current choice.

Rider's on the Storm, Let It Be, A Hard Day's Night, Where Do We Go Where Do We Go From Here?, Let It Bleed, I Can't Get No Satisfaction, I'm A Believer, The Sound of Silence, Good Vibrations, Wild Thing, These Boots Are Made for Walking, Sympathy for the Devil, The Long and Winding Road, Bridge over Troubled Waters.....1,000's of choices, yes?

Ever named your portfolio??? Give us a share, if you dare.

Okay, I must move forward with more purposeful duties; for the time being.
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