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Time to become a recession prepper? Experts say it never hurts to bolster your finances

Time to become a recession prepper? Experts say it never hurts to bolster your finances
Written By: Helmut Schmidt / Forum News Service | Sep 6th 2019 - 12pm.

FARGO — The easy-to-win trade war with China is looking more like it will be a slobber-knocker and the long-term bond yield curve has inverted. (Ouch!)

Federal deficits are growing, hiring is slowing down and thanks to these signs, more and more economists are coming to the conclusion that the U.S. economy will slip into recession.


  • @MFO Members: This is what hurts from any news source from Fargo !
  • I never invested based on news and never will. The lib media is making a lot of noise about recession just like they did before about Russia and collusion. The economy is doing fine, we have one of the lowest unemployment ever.
    I use tech analysis because it tells me in real time what is going on.
    Stock Indexes Break Out of August Trading Range to the Upside(link)
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